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Venue If the venue is not listed, use the details box below to give the location. Devonshire Arms, Sewall Highwa . . .Golden Cross, Hay Lane, Town C . . .New Inn, Bull's Head Lane, CV3 . . .Town Crier, Corporation Street . . .Railway Hotel, 160 Charnwood R . . .New Albany, 24 Albany Road, CV . . .Gatehouse Tavern, Hill Street, . . .Jaguar Cars Sports & Social Cl . . .Arches Venue, 22-23 Arches Ind . . .Bell Inn, 15 Bennetts Road Sou . . .The Philip Larkin, 17 Burges, . . .Bulkington Working Men's Club, . . .Rose and Crown . . .Willenhall Social Club . . .
Details: If the venue is not selected above, fill in the details here.
Add new event for Thu 1st Oct 1925:
Time: PMAM
Venue If the venue is not listed, use this link to add it, or enter it in the details box below. Add new venueDevonshire Arms, Sewall Highwa . . .Golden Cross, Hay Lane, Town C . . .New Inn, Bull's Head Lane, CV3 . . .Town Crier, Corporation Street . . .Railway Hotel, 160 Charnwood R . . .New Albany, 24 Albany Road, CV . . .Gatehouse Tavern, Hill Street, . . .Jaguar Cars Sports & Social Cl . . .Arches Venue, 22-23 Arches Ind . . .Bell Inn, 15 Bennetts Road Sou . . .The Philip Larkin, 17 Burges, . . .Bulkington Working Men's Club, . . .Rose and Crown . . .Willenhall Social Club . . .
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